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Infants & Caregivers In Tune: Nourishing the Roots of Well-Being through the Fourth Trimester

  • The Center for Family Well-Being 5039 Connecticut Ave NW., #7 Washington, DC 20008 USA (map)

This 5-week parent-infant group draws on pediatrician Emmi Pikler’s groundbreaking research on infant competence and care and focuses on attachment, attunement, caregiving, and parent support. In a calm and nourishing setting, parents slow down and “tune in” to their infants and themselves — delighting in infants’ natural development. As infants unfold within their caregivers’ consistent, warm, and secure presence, the roots of well-being grow for both infant and caregiver. Parents share experiences with one another and find support in this joyful and challenging time of parenting a new human!

This group is designed for a parent and their infant (most will be ~6-16 weeks in age).

  • Facilitated by: Liz Hagerman, LGPC, BC-DMT

  • Dates*: 5 Tuesdays, October 29-December 10, 2024 (No group session on November 26)

  • Time: Tuesday mornings 10-11:15 a.m.

  • Place: The Center for Family Well-Being, 5039 Connecticut Ave. NW #7 Washington DC 20008

  • Details: This is a clinical group. For questions about the group or payment, please email or simply fill out the registration form below.

*Thanks for your interest in this group! We typically require at least four registered participants per group in order for it to run as scheduled. If we haven't met this minimum number of participants before a group begins, we may pause or push back the start date. We will always communicate any changes with registered participants. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Intake Care Coordinator Amy Murphy at

October 24

Moving In Tune with Your Baby: Nourishing the Roots of Well-Being Continued

January 7

4th- & 5th-Grade Girls In Tune: Riding the Wave - Coping, Communication, and Confidence Building