As of January 2022, clients are entitled to be notified of the No Surprises Act, which protects clients from an unexpected balance bill (also called surprise or balance billing). This can happen when there is an emergency service, or you can’t control who is involved in your care at an in-network facility.

All providers at The Center for Family Well-Being are out-of-network providers. Our fees for all services are explained in detail when you contact our Center; should you elect to receive services from us, these fees and payment protocols are confirmed in writing in our Therapy Agreement, which is reviewed and signed by the CFWB therapist and client(s).

Each client has a right to decide how long they would like to participate in mental health care. At the start of treatment and regularly throughout, your therapist will discuss with you the frequency of sessions needed, and you will decide based on those recommendations.

Please discuss this notice with your CFWB therapist, and answer the following two questions:

  1. Do you have health insurance for behavioral and mental health services?

  2. Do you plan to file CFWB claims for out-of-network reimbursement?

If you answer YES to both of these questions, then you do not need to complete any documentation related to the No Surprises Act legislation. If you answer NO to either of these questions, then you are entitled to a Good Faith Estimate for your services at CFWB. Please notify your therapist.

We will provide you with a good faith estimate on an updated Therapy Agreement for you to sign and return to your therapist.

To learn more, go to

For additional information or to file a complaint, please visit