Fall 2002: Letter from the Director
“The Fifth Season”
Wishing our community grounding as we transition from summer to fall…
Chinese medicine theory reminds us that this season, often called the “fifth season” — when we lean out of the fire of summer and into the hints of early fall — corresponds to the Earth element. When the Earth element is balanced within us and in nature, we feel centered, grounded, abundant and stable; we feel the full support of the earth, and we’re grounded in our authentic selves. We feel we can meet the ever-changing world all around us. When the earth element is out of balance within, however, we lack clarity and feel worried, anxious, foggy, and often reactive.
So as we enter into fall, we at the Center have been thinking a lot about what helps us stay grounded, centered, and connected (both to ourselves and to others) and how we can support our community — as you’ll see from our resource offerings elsewhere in this newsletter.
In terms of Center programs, our therapists’ offerings are bountiful: Ameila Aburn has kicked off our group offerings this year with a 5-week back-to-school mind-body refresher to help group members manage anxiety and balance moods. And our “In Tune” groups for elementary, middle, and high school kids and teens are ready to launch; please check out our website to learn more.
In October, Elizabeth Ebaugh will offer a new workshop for couples. And stay tuned for Liz Hagerman’s “Nourishing the Roots of Wellbeing” parent-infant group later this fall, based on groundbreaking research by pediatrician Emmi Pikler on infant competence and care.
We at the Center want to help you find your center — your balanced Earth element within — and support your focus on what nourishes you, whether that’s through individual or group work.
Wishing you a grounded, stable, and abundant fall!
Heart-to heart,
On behalf of all of us at the Center for Family Well-Being